ART150 Photography
Click Here to Access the Photographs
Gala Portraits
After Dinner
All of the photographs are approx. 1.5 to 2.9mb in size and can be downloaded if required. Using the mouse, double-click on a picture to expand it and then right-click and select "Save as..." and save it to your chosen directory. NB: this may not work too well on smart phones.​
Note: It was not possible to upload the photographs in jpeg format or in a Zip file for self extraction as the website provider does not allow this.
However, you can select Copy Image and save the file into PowerPoint and then print off the PowerPoint slide. Also you can Copy Image and then Paste Special into Word as a Device Independent Bitmap, and then print off the doc.
How to obtain a quality printed photograph - Click Here
NB: Neither the RNEBS or the Art150 Team will provide any photographs, so please do not request them. The only way to get pictures is to download them from this website and print them off yourselves or pay the photograph studio to print them for you.
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